"Be The Change You Wish To See In The World."

~ Gandhi

Book a FREE 15 min Consultation With Me and Let's Explore How We Can Work Together

How Can I Help?

I offer 3 convenient ways we can work together to Prana Boost™ Your Life, Your Health, Your work and Your Relationships:

1:1 In Person Coaching Sessions

Skype or Zoom Coaching Sessions

Email Sessions

"Hi, I am Tina.  I am here to be a safe place for you to connect with me, trust, share energy & feelings and know that you can find your way back to yourself no matter what.  

It is with great love, compassion, empathy, integrity and kindness that I offer you to be vulnerable with me.  Everyone can and must evolve at their own pace, with the only limits to healing being their thoughts, beliefs and past experience.  

I ask you to be responsible for the energy you bring during our time together and know no one can do this work for you. I ask you to consider that great changes and healing can occur if you are at least willing.  I have the ability to guide you to your own guidance that you will resonate with.  We all have to find our own way, however, we don’t have to find it alone. Typically, we are not taught successful techniques for handling Emotional Emergencies, Conflict Resolution, Mindful Language, Self Love, Kindness, Compassion, & Empathy. Prana Boost’s main intention is to ignite these conversations so we can transform our lives. I will provide you with the tools, strategies, support & LOVE that you will need as you upgrade your life.

With a focus on Mind, Body, & Spirit together we can discover the vision you have for your life. Together, we can raise your awareness so you will feel your own personal power & responsibility & ability to create the shifts in your life that you dream of.  I will help you RAISE YOUR VIBRATION so you can create new possibilities for your life, increase your WEALTH & your HEALTH & experience better physical, emotional, and mental well-being.  With these abilities, we will build new patterns of behavior that help families thrive and support everyone’s hearts and spirits.  When we heal, evolve, & grow ourselves, we then can create a world that is so beautiful, kind and aligned to live in. I invite you to be willing & open & have compassion with yourself as you learn and grow into your BEST most authentic self. Namaste ♥

~ Tina Louise Balodi 

♥ You can do this. I believe in you. I will help. Sometimes we need someone to "be our wings" while we build our own wings. You can transform. It can get better.

With a little COURAGE, LOVE AND TRUST we can create the shifts in your life that you dream of. 

“My husband and I have signed The Prana Boost Parenting Vow and I encourage you to learn all you can from Tina about creating a family based in love, compassion, and connection. Thoughts are energy and if you take the time to Raise Your Vibration to the frequency of Love, you will experience inner peace and success within your family; which will shift our world.”

~Serena J. Dyer
Hay House Author, Mommapreneur
Prana Boost™ Parent of 3

“I have seen the change within myself, and I have seen the relationship with my daughter & son improve dramatically. It didn’t happen overnight but I can see light through the cracks and it feels so good. Our conversation today alone will have a ripple effect on our family dynamic. So thank you.”

~Nikki Watson
Writer, Speaker, OI Advocate, Prana Boost™ Parent

“I had the most blessed experience in consulting with Tina. I am a school psychologist and I know a lot about kids and development but I was having a little trouble with my three-nager.”

~Sarah Garcia
School Psychologist
Prana Boost™ Parent

For the past 25 years, I have been a thought leader & thought shifter, a researcher, awakener, & speaker/entertaining storyteller. I am a Clairsentient, Intuitive Empathic Healer, Mommapreneur, & the Founder of Prana Boost™ & Prana Boost Parenting™. I am a Peace Advocate, Master of Mindfulness & Emotional Intelligence, Author, Speaker, Podcaster, Reiki Master & Transformational Life Guide.

I am a Prana Boost Lifestyle Expert™. As a Life & Soul Transformational Coach, I help individuals & families create a lifestyle vision for their lives that aligns with their authentic selves and core values. I guide individuals, families, and corporate clients to RAISE their VIBRATION🌈, ACCESS their INTUITION🔮and MASTER their EMOTIONS🦄My biggest passions are: Inner Personal Transformation, Mindful Language, Emotional Intelligence & Mindful Parenting. I offer Intuitive Coaching Sessions, Energy Healings (Distance Reiki & Chakra Balancing) Pendulum Readings, House Clearings, Online Courses and in person events. 

Connect With Me Today and Let's Explore
How We Can Work Together

We honor your privacy and choices and want you to know that by submitting your email you will be added to our Prana Boost™ Newsletter/Contacts where we intend to share High Vibration Content, Love, Empowering personal growth education and Connection. You may unsubscribe anytime you wish. xoxo

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